Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sugar Daddy in Atlanta, GA

Sugar Daddy Atlanta
Sugar Daddy Atlanta
Atlanta City has been named Sugar daddy capital of North America. According to a study published on a leading dating website

According to the study, top 30 cities were selected with highest ratio of Sugar Daddies per 1000 males. Sugar Daddy in Atlanta topped the charts with 19.64 Sugar Daddies per 1,000 males.

Sugar Daddy is a term used for man who rich, successful and provides financial assistance to a young women he is dating known as a Sugar Baby.

If you are interested in dating a sugar daddy from Atlanta or anywhere in the world then here are some tips you can follow.

1) Go on the hunt.

You'll have to talk sweetly with no of men until you find the one perfect sugar daddy you wanna date.

Try a lot of different websites like SeekingArrangement.com or SugarDaddieForMe.com to find your perfect match. Set you boundaries for e.g. if you not comfortable dating men over 50. Upload a couple of photos. Photos should be decent enough, should't reveal a lot of skin. Try to keep it simple and natural.

Once you've found your potential match, pick a lavish restaurant just to make sure he has money. Ask a lot of questions. Share your stories and experience with them. Make sure that conversation is smooth. Don't keep on talking about yourself. Make him feel welcomed and loved.

2)First Meeting.

Keep your conversation engaging. Don't  fake you smile, keep it natural. Make an eye contact. Compliment him about his looks, dressing sense whatever you feel like and most importantly be open and honest with him

If you want to impress you sugar daddy, you should be confident and self assured.

3)Be Independent.

Sugar daddy is looking for a women who is fun and exciting, but who also has her own life, interest, plans and friends. He is not looking for a women to marry or someone who will do grocery shopping for him.

Dont meet a sugar daddy more twice or thrice a week. He you try to meet him more than that he'll think you are getting attached.

Avoid sleeping over too much if you can. If you do it too often he will think you want to move in with him.

Be open about your plans. If you have a nigh out planned with your girlfriends, let him know about this.This will only make you look independent.

4) Be Sexy.

Sugar daddies are looking for women who look sexy.  Look sexy by wearing sexy clothes, wearing make up to create smoky eyes and wearing some sexy lingerie in the bedroom. Sugar daddies want women who are comfortable in bedroom. You should be prepared for his expectations and needs.

Here are some tips on how to keep him hooked.

1) Be mysterious.

Stay mysterious if you want your sugar daddy to keep wanting for you. Don't always tell him where you are going, if you have to go. If you are not able to respond to his calls, don't give him long explanations, keep it short and simple. Don't tell him every little thing that's going on in your life. Reveal a little bit as time comes. Let him ask for more.

2)Be positive and Fun.

These rich men are looking for young women that they can have good time with. No one would like to spend money on someone who negative, whining and always complaining. If you have any negative thoughts try to keep them aside whenever you are with your sugar daddy. Keep things light and positive by laughing often and talking about things that will make you happy.

3) NSA (No Strings Attached)

The quickest way to turn off a sugar daddy is to make him feel like you are ready to sign a marriage certificate. Don't ask for commitment. The reason he is in this relationship is to just have fun. Dont introduce him to your family or friends unless he is fine with it.

4) When to move on.

If you are in this relationship for a long time and want to break up. You can do that. Just be clear and calm about ending the relationship and try to end it on a good note.

So these were some tips on how to date a sugar daddy

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